Distributed Automation Systems (DAiSY) Laboratory 


Marco Montanaro

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: He received the M.Sc. degree in computer science with a specialization in IT management from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2020. He is a Junior Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II from 2020. His research interests include software design, testing and validation for railways application.



 Past Fellows:

Marco Di Vaio 

Marco Di Vaio received the master degree (M.Sc.) degree in control systems engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2017. He was a visiting student at the Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, in 2016. He was a Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II from 2017 to 2019. His research interests include the design of distributed control applied to cooperative vehicles and intelligent transportation systems. 



Carlo Di Meo 

Carlo Di Meo received the M.Sc. degree in control systems engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2018. He was a Junior Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II from 2018 to 2019. His research interests include intelligent transportation systems and communication-based train control.



Luca Ioviero 

Luca Ioviero received the M.Sc. degree in computer science from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2018. He was a Junior Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II from 2018 to 2019. His research interests include computer science for railway transportation.




Raffaele Cappiello 

Raffaele Cappiello received the M.Sc. degree in control systems engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, Naples, Italy, in 2022. He was a Junior Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II from 2022 to 2023. His research interests include control system for ITS.





Ph.D. students:

Carlo Motta

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: Carlo Motta received his M.S. Degree in Automation Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2019 with a thesis based on the development of methodologies to avoid collisions in trajectory planning for a bi-manual robotic system. He is now a PhD Student in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Cycle: XXXVI. His research interests include assessment and enforcement of resilience and security properties in control systems.



Mehdi Saman Azar

Address: Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University, 351 95 Växjo, Sweden.

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Short Bio: received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, in 2013, and the M.Sc. degree in control engineering and industrial automation from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, in 2016. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree with the Department of Computer Science, Linnaeus University, Sweden. His main research interests include artificial intelligence, specifically transfer learning and predictive maintenance, and their applicability to cyber-physical systems (CPS).



Giacomo Basile

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: giacomo.basileThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: Giacomo Basile received the M.S. Degree in Automation Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2020 with a thesis based on the development of AI controller to stabilise a ultrasuoni missile. He is now a PhD Student in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Cycle: XXXVII. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence controller in autonomous drive field and adaptive optics system for Very Large Telescope (VLT) and Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in collaboration with observatory of Naples Capodimonte.


Sara Leccese

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: sara.lecceseThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: Sara Leccese received a M.Sc. in Automation and Robotics Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, submitting the thesis “Distributed dynamic event-triggered secondary control for voltage regulation in stand alone inverted-based Microgrids”.  She is currently a Ph.D student in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Cycle: XXXVIII. Her research interests include distributed control for cyber-physical systems.                    



Aniello Mungiello

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

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Short Bio: Aniello Mungiello received his M.S. Degree in Autonomous Vehicle Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2022 with a thesis based on autonomous driving control system of a race car: design and experimental validation. He is now a PhD Student in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Cycle: XXXVIII. His research interests include optimal control strategies for vehicle dynamics and cooperative driving. He is also supervisor of the driverless section of the UniNa combustion racing team, having been a member of the team for three years. 



Andrea Somma

Address: Department of Chemical, Materials, and Industrial Production Engineering University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio, 80125, Naples, Italy.

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Short Bio: He received the master science degree in management engineering with a specialization in Supply Chain Management at University of Naples Federico II in 2023. He is now enrolled in the PhD program "Product and Industrial Process Engineering" at the Department of Chemical, Materials, and Industrial Production Engineering with co-supervisors Prof. Stefania Santini and Alberto Petrillo. Cycle: XXXIX. His research interests include the design of decision-making systems for smart manufacturing.



Luisa Montella

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: She received the master science degree in management engineering with a specialization in Management of Manufacturing Processes and Services, at the University of Naples Federico II in 2023. She is now a PhD Student in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Cycle: XXXIX. Her research interests include the sustainable transition towards greener and cleaner Maritime Transport.



Mario Noioso

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: He received the master science degree in Automation Engineering with honor in 2021 at the University of Napoli Federico II. In March 2021, he entered the workforce, taking on the role of software developer for distributed control systems of automotive test benches at Loccioni (Ancona, Italy). He then continued his professional career at Kineton, working as an external consultant for major players in the automotive market. In November 2023, he became the recipient of the ITEE (Information Technology Electrical Engineering) Research Doctorate scholarship at the University of Naples Federico II.



Emanuele Carella

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: He received the B.Sc. degree in Mechanical engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2018 and the M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, in 2021. He is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II from 2023. His research interests include system modeling, control algorithm design, and development of ADAS application.



Mirko Casale

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: He received a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering for Energy and the Environment from the University of Naples Federico II in Italy in 2021, specializing in modeling and optimization of internal combustion engines. His thesis focused on constructing a quasi-dimensional model for an aeronautical propulsion system. He provided consultancy services to major automotive companies, specializing in the development of onboard electronic components (body computer) and the implementation of testing and validation strategies in a simulated environment using the hardware-in-the-loop technique. Since 2023, he have been a young researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Naples Federico II. His research focuses on the virtual prototyping of sensors for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).



Past Ph.D. students:


Angelo Coppola 

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Short Bio: He received a M.Sc. in Transportation Science Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II. He is currently a Ph.D student in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Cycle: XXXIV. His research interests include the design of cooperative intelligent transportation systems.



Nicola Albarella 

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Bio: Nicola Albarella received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in automation engineering in 2016 and 2019 respectively, from University of Naples Federico II, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE), Cycle: XXXV. His research interests include the modelling and the control of autonomous vehicles, as well as planning and decision making in varying traffic scenarios.





Fabrizio Di Rosa 

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Short Bio: Fabrizio Di Rosa is a PhD student at the University of Naples – Federico II, pursuing an industrial PhD in collaboration with Kineton. He received his BSc degree in automation engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II” in December 2019. His MSc degree was earned in July 2022 with honours, and his thesis has been done in collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology (Tu/e). The focus of his MSc thesis was on the implementation of a Super Twisting Observer (STO) to cope with communication impairments in Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication. His research interests include connected autonomous vehicles, as well as nonlinear control and state estimation through nonlinear algorithms. He is a former member of UninaCorse – Formula SAE team and former student of Apple.  




Tel: +39 0817683914

Email: daisylab.unina@gmail.com


Via Claudio, 21 - 80135 Naples - Italy