Distributed Automation Systems (DAiSY) Laboratory 


The scientific activity concerns theoretical and application topics in the context of Automatic Controls and combines the methodological aspects with experimentation in the field.
We have developed innovative approaches in the field of Control Systems Engineering that have been applied to a large variety of fields, such as:

  • the Automotive engineering;
  • Intelligent Transport Systems;
  • Railway system;
  • Energy system;
  • Underwater systems;
  • Industrial Applications.

These applications not only represent a natural test bed for the verification of innovative methodological approaches but also are often themselves a source of inspiration for the derivation of theoretical results in the field of Control Engineering. Specifically, these include applications for the analysis and control of hybrid and discontinuous systems, of non-linear systems, of adaptive controls and of the control of distributed systems.


Tel: +39 0817683914

Email: daisylab.unina@gmail.com


Via Claudio, 21 - 80135 Naples - Italy