Address: University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: 2.20.
Phone: 081-7683914
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Short Bio: Stefania Santini is Professor of Systems and Control Engineering (Automatica) at University of Naples Federico II (Italy), where she has been a Member of the Academic Senate from 2013 to 2021. She leads the Distributed Automation Systems Lab, a research group in the field of distributed automation and its applications. Her research interests include nonlinear control of nonlinear and cyber-physical systems, time-delayed systems, networked control and multi-agent systems, with applications to automotive engineering, transportation technologies, and more recently to the application domains of smart manufacturing, information technology and energy. She is senior Editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEE T-ITS) and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (IEEE T-CST). She is also Vice-Chair IEEE ITS Italian Chapter. She was and is principal investigator of many national and international research projects, also in cooperation with industry, including small- and medium-sized enterprises.