Distributed Automation Systems (DAiSY) Laboratory 

 Bianca Caiazzo, PhD

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

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Short Bio: She received the Ph.D degree in control systems engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2023. She is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Naples Federico II. Her work focuses on the design of distributed control system for "Networked System” with application to the vehicular networks in automotive and railway sector, ITS, energy.

Dario Giuseppe Lui, PhD

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

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Short Bio: He received the M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering for Automation and Telecommunications in 2015 and the Ph.D in Information Technology in 2020, both at the University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy. He is currently a Reserh fellow at the university of Naples Federico II. His work focuses on the distributed control of multi-agent systems in the presence of communication impairments, with application to automotive field.

Alberto Petrillo, PhD

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

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Short Bio: Alberto Petrillo received the Ph.D degree in control systems engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2019. He is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Naples Federico II. His work mainly focuses on the distributed, synchronization-based, control of networked control systems in the presence of communication impairments and security vulnerabilities, with application to automotive field. He is Vice-Chair of IEEE ITS Technical Committee on Planning and Control of Transportation and Logistics Networks, ITS Society.

Publications: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=lfGG5YAAAAAJ&hl=it


Tel: +39 0817683914

Email: daisylab.unina@gmail.com


Via Claudio, 21 - 80135 Naples - Italy