Distributed Automation Systems (DAiSY) Laboratory 

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy; Room: S.17.

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Short Bio: Alberto Petrillo received the Ph.D degree in control systems engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2019. He is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Naples Federico II. His work mainly focuses on the distributed, synchronization-based, control of networked control systems in the presence of communication impairments and security vulnerabilities, with application to automotive field. He is Vice-Chair of IEEE ITS Technical Committee on Planning and Control of Transportation and Logistics Networks, ITS Society.

Publications: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=lfGG5YAAAAAJ&hl=it


Tel: +39 0817683914

Email: daisylab.unina@gmail.com


Via Claudio, 21 - 80135 Naples - Italy